

I am Adriana Sanz.

I was born in the Mediterranean but I have always been curious and passionate about the Arctic.

After several trips and stays abroad, I made of Finnish Lapland my permanent home.

I love the lifestyle in here and all what the nature, seasons and extreme conditions have to offer.

I am a person with a very diverse background and full of different interests.

That is why a traditional job does not suit my personality and I decided to offer my knowledge, skills, time, fresh ideas and enthusiasm as a freelancer.

If you would like to know more about my freelancing services, do not miss any section of this page.

Adriana Sanz


Here in Finland there is a nice concept called light-entrepeuner (kevyt-yrittäjä) and that is how I have chosen to offer my services.

This allows me to run my activity on a legal and easy way, for both, you and me.

If you want that I do some project or task for your company,  I explain you in this page what I am able to do and how simple the process woul be for you.

What do I offer?

My education, volunteer experiences and working life, have led me into many fields.

I am a Biotechnologist and a certified Wilderness Guide, I have worked with children and youth in non-formal educational projects, I organized different kind of scientific events and activities while in University, I have a long experience on volunteering activities, I have been doing different jobs inside the hospitality industry, I am interested on nature management, sustainability and many aspects of the Arctic, plus I speak several languages.

Have a look into my list of services and let me know if there is something I can help you with:

  • Guiding nature activities in Finnish Lapland.
  • Guiding cultural activities in Finnish Lapland.
  • Developing new tourism products or packages in Finnish Lapland for the Spanish-speaking market.
  • B2B for the Spanish-speaking market.
  • Planning and facilitating workshops, youth camps, youth exchanges, volunteer camps or other similar projects.
  • Giving a scientific or educational touch to your tours, workshops or camps.
  • Translating content from tourism providers to Spanish or Catalan.
  • Writing blog posts, articles or creating social media content for you.
  • Making a speech for your on-site or on-line event.
  • Any activities that might require my Spanish, Catalan and English skills in Lapland or online.
  • Hospitality and tourism services tasks in Finnish Lapland such as waitressing, welcoming guests at the airport or being an elf.
  • Assisting in the logistics, field work or lab work of your research project.

If there is something that you do not see in this list, you can still ask me, we might find the way to work together.

How does it work?

How does it benefit you as a company?

Get in touch!

If it sounds like there might be something that we can do together, do not hesitate to contact me.